Site Builder



Related Favorite Sites:

The following is a list of related, interesting and useful links that I have compiled.

Consultants & Designers of Web Pages
With representation in major cities worldwide, will provide consultation services and/or create and insert pages in the web and create and insert in free web sites.
Etching & Silkscreen Workshop
Located in Mexico City and operated by Luis Miguel Valdes. Clients include Nelson Domingues, Cuevas, Roberto Fabelo, Sergio Hernandez, Choco, Zayre, etc.
AresArt - Ares Demertzis, Sculptor
Internationaly recognized sculptor whose work can be found in the permanent collections of museums, sculpture parks and public and institutional collections.
Mauro Betino, Sculptor, Set Designer
Internatinaly recognized sculptor, set designer,


Continued in "About Page"